In August and September 2017 the most downloaded applications are those from large social networks, messengers, and games (puzzles, “three in a row”, quests, strategy games, etc.). The user preferences on applications for the iPhone and Android platforms are significantly different. Basically, this difference can be seen in paid applications, the lion’s share of which is occupied by games. Moreover, it is worth noting that the price of the application does not affect user choice, since among the most popular paid applications, there are both cheap options and ones with a relatively high price. The only difference is that Android application users are willing to pay more than iPhone users.

It should be noted that newcomers were at the top of the most downloaded applications in August. These are applications such as Sky Guide or Solar Eclipse Timer, which were released or updated for a specific event—the solar eclipse. This is another excellent example to consider when formulating your own brilliant idea! We are considering the most popular U.S. applications in August - September 2017 for iPhone and Android platforms. The applications are divided into three categories: free, free +, and paid. The statistics were taken from the Priority Data based on the daily ranking, and the indicative period is August - September 2017.


The most downloaded apps


If you want to consider downloads by category, then it looks like this in August - September 2017 (data sources are Appbrain and Applyzer):


The most popular categories in App Store and Google Play


The most popular categories are Games, Entertainment, Educational, and Education Applications.

I hope these statistics will help you catch the next brilliant idea by the tail!

Good luck with your project!